I started out deciding to redesign the camper I built a couple of years ago. The idea was to build the camper bigger and add a bathroom/shower in the back corner. It seemed like an easy job at first but as I got into it, it got bigger and bigger.
The first task was to remove the propane tank, and the batteries from the area at the back of the camper where the shower was to go. So that was the first task, I took out the batteries and the propane tank, along with all of the battery brackets and moved the wiring. Then I removed all of the propane tank tie downs, propane regulator, and the propane distribution block.
I then removed the siding so that I could fill in the hole in the wall for the propane tank. When I removed the siding I found that the wall under the siding had gotten wet and was water damaged. When I took off the siding on the other side of the camper I found more water damage. Then I found that I would have to take off the siding on the front of the camper to expose all of the water damage.
I ended up taking the siding off both sides of the camper and front of the camper. Then removing all of the wall parts of the wall on the right hand side of the camper and the wooden parts of the floor and front wall of the camper. The water damage to the walls and floor on one side of the camper was extensive.
I ended up replacing the floor of the sleeping area along 1/3 of the right hand side of the camper. That meant that I had to replace all of the bottom of the sleeping area, 1/3 of the joists in the floor, all of the bottom sheeting and half of the top sheeting.
Then I had to replace all of the wall framing on the right side of the camper from front to back and from top to bottom. On the left hand side of the camper I had to replace the top roof framing and the sheeting.
On the front of the camper I had to replace all of the upper storage area above the window, the broken window and all of the framing in the front of the bed. While I had everything apart I rewired the front marker lights at the top of the front wall and sides of the camper.